If you read the blog this one is linked to, then you will know this is an account of my second night seeing Josh Groban. (If you haven't read the first one, click here to read it.) But this time, I'd splurged even more on my ticket than I had for the first show. This time, I had snagged a 5th row seat. Make that, a 5th row, just right of centre, seat. While I was walking down the aisle to my seat, the closer I got, the more excited and giddy I became. I had looked up my seat on the Sony Centre seating chart a few days earlier, but it hadn't registered just how close I really was. It certainly registered when I located my seat!
Before getting into the theatre, I stopped by the merchandise table and picked up a t-shirt and tote bag. I really wanted to add the zip-up hoodie to my purchase, but I'd already taken a financial hit when I purchased my ticket to the second show. So, with my merchandise, I entered the theatre and found my seat. That seat was next to a woman whom, while exchanging Josh-related small-talk with, I thought looked familiar. After a moment, I realized that I remembered her profile picture from a brief Facebook conversation I'd had with her on Livenation's post about Josh's concerts. I had commented that I was going to both shows and was super excited. She answered that she too was going to both and had won a meet and greet for one of them. I made another quick reply to congratulate her on being able to meet Josh, and that was it. I never thought I'd end up sitting next to her at the show. And, because of this, I know have a fellow Grobanite for a friend! I met another one after the show as well, so I now have two!... As well as about half a dozen other followers on Twitter due to Josh retweeting my tweet to him, then replying to it, and then favouriting my reply back to him back in March. I touched on that on the last post, but I guess I should go into a bit more detail about it now...
I sent Josh a tweet at 5:44pm on March 21
shortly after getting home from work. My tweet went as follows: Hey,
@joshgroban, ever think about doing an album of Broadway songs? I
think it would be fantastic! (And ty for the music on my commute!)
5:45pm, I got a reply from the man himself: @JenCathryne
I did it!! Comes out April 28! Thank you too!
I couldn't let that go without replying. @joshgroban
Really? That's awesome! I will be first in line to buy it! And thanks
for the fast reply! You made my day!
really did.) And then!... Josh favourited my reply back to him!
The conversation with Josh

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Highlighing Josh's favourite. |