On April 18th, I took a drive out to check out a writing group that meets monthly at the Bathurst Clark Library in Vaughan. They have been meeting since May 2016 and have a good and loyal turnout each month. The group is made up of writers - both published and not - looking for a serious place to write and learn about the craft and the industry.
The group is run by President, Tamara Hecht, author of the Welcome to Monsterville book series. (You can read my review of the first book here: Welcome to Monsterville: A Book Review). Vaughan Public Library employee, Heather He-Sieward provides them with a room to meet in every month as well as helps them coordinate with local events where they can showcase their group as well as the members’ published works. Group member, Josephine Vaccaro-Chang is Heather’s other half as she fills the role of Public Relations. The role of Director of Innovations is Maria Samurin, an employee with the Toronto Public Library; she is the bridge between the two neighbouring city libraries. Author Moe Vyas is in charge of new members, and author/publisher Elise Abram is the group’s Secretary/Treasurer.
On Saturday, May 13th, members of the group will be at The Bookshelf in Newmarket. The Bookshelf is an event put on by The Writers’ Community of York Region (WCYR) and being held at the Newmarket Community Centre & Lions Hall, next to the Farmer’s Market. The Bookshelf helps showcase Canadian authors from York Region and all over Canada. A few members of the Vaughan Writers’ Club will be there doing just that. For a full list of The Bookshelf vendors, and to find out more, go to: http://thebookshelf.wcyork.ca/
On Tuesday, May 16th, the Vaughan Writers’ Club is formally launching their website. This event runs from 7pm until 8:30pm and is open for everyone. There will be a raffle for some free gifts, and you can mingle with the club members. If you’re interested in seeing what this group is about, come out to the Bathurst Clark Library, 900 Clark Ave, Vaughan, Ontario.