Last week, a good friend of mine hosted a great event in support of the Canadian Cancer Society. The event was hosted at my Friday night karaoke haunt, Viva City with no cost to the organizers. The festivities began at 2pm and entry was $5 at the door, all going to the Canadian Cancer Society. There were little games set up; a Celebrity baby photo match-up game, a guess of how mamy candies were in a jar - each games was $1 to play. They had $0.25 cupcakes and you could vote for one of the five organizers to sing a song they would be embarrassed to sing. The organizer who received the most votes (and money; $2 per vote) sang "My Humps" by The Black Eyed Peas. The other four organizers became backup dancers.
The event was a success. Over 50 people were in attendance (including some fellow Browncoats from Toronto's legion of Firefly fans) to support the cause. Some great tunes were sung, including: "Wake Me Up When September Ends", "That's What Makes You Beautiful" (sung by the hosts nephews), "I Will Play a Rhapsody" and even a tune from the Buffy musical episode, *Once More With Feeling*. I got up and sang "Don't Stop Believin'", a title I thought suited the evening.
At the event's end, three of the organizers received haircuts. One of the women donated eleven inches of hair and two of the men, including the event host, shaved their heads. All total, $2600 was raised in support of the Canadian Cancer Society. It is a cause that is very near and dear to me. My father relied on volunteer drivers from the Canadian Cancer Society to get to and from weekly appointments at Princess Margaret's Hospital. Without them, he would never had made those appointments.
Congratulations to the organizers and thank you to everyone who has ever donated their money, hair, blood or time. You have made a huge difference in the lives of Cancer patients and survivors all across Canada. As the cousin, niece, granddaughter and daughter of cancer patients, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your time is greatly appreciated.
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